Cudatext For Mac

CudaText(代码文本编辑器)能够用来编辑代码及文本,内置的代码高亮功能非常适合编辑程序代码,CudaText 是一款用Lazarus写的,体积十分小巧。而且还是免安装跨平台使用的开源文本编辑器。绝大部分编程语言代码都可以高亮显示,支持代码折叠、拆分视图及正则表达式查找、替换! Text editor for macOS that has been designed for developers and integrates syntax highlighting support for numerous programming languages CudaText is a text editor that comes with syntax highlight. While SynWrite is a 32-bit only, Windows-only program developed in Delphi (Pascal), its successor CudaText is developed in Lazarus, an IDE for Free Pascal, and is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, for Windows, Linux, and Mac. CudaText is a free, cross-platform (runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, macOS or FreeBSD) code editor written in Lazarus. It evolved from the previous editor named SynWrite which is no longer developed. It has a long list of features, and it is actively developed. If you're looking for more info, visit CudaText Wiki or check its GitHub repository.

8,020 downloadsUpdated: April 1, 2021Donationware / MPL

Text editor for macOS that has been designed for developers and integrates syntax highlighting support for numerous programming languages

What's new in CudaText 1.130.0:

  • Add: HTML auto-completion: support HTML entities (like )
  • Add: HTML auto-completion: update tags/attribs lists (thanks @d-mal)
  • Add: much faster multi-carets editing, with 100+ carets and heavy lexer (thanks @JairoMartinezA)
Read the full changelog

CudaText is a text editor that comes with syntax highlight support for about 140 lexers developed for various programming languages such as C, C++, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Python, and so on.

At the same time, the tabbed user interface combined with the numerous viewing modes can help you optimize your working space by dealing with multiple documents at the same time.

Simple text editor that can deal with various programming languages

CudaText aims to provide an efficient working space for developers, regardless of the programming language they are using.

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You can start by opening code files with simple drag and drop movements, or you can create new documents that employ various syntax highlighting patterns.

Furthermore, CudaText enables you to customize the properties of any of the included lexers and even customize the style, color, fonts, or spacing of various parameters.

In the Lexer Library window, you can see a complete list of supported languages, and decide which ones you want active.

Optimize your environment and work on multiple files at the same time

CudaText offers you the possibility to open an unlimited number of documents, so you can quickly switch between various resources files with a simple mouse click.

MacCudatext for mac

In addition, the split window view mode allows you to compare different parts of the same document.

Cudatext For Mac Download

To push things even further, CudaText comes with predefined tab arrangement patterns that can put up to 6 documents right next to each other.

Unfortunately, you cannot move the documents between different groups with drag and drop: you need to use the contextual menu which is rather counter-intuitive.

Text editing solution featuring extensive syntax highlighting support

CudaText is an excellent tool to have around if you need to work on projects that pack files written in different programming languages.

However, the tabs cannot be rearranged using drag and drop movements, which can raise some issues to inexperienced users.

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CudaText was reviewed by Iulia Ivan
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CudaText 1.130.0

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13 screenshots:

Cudatext For Mac App

runs on:
macOS 10.8 or later (Intel only)
file size:
25.2 MB
main category:
Developer Tools
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