Gimp Mac Os Big Sur

Gimp osx big sur The GIMP team officially updated the GIMP for MAC installer on December 24, 2020 to GIMP 2.10.22! This means the latest version of GIMP (at the time of this article) is now available to MAC users. As always, GIMP is available for MAC, Windows, and Linux systems for free! As I’ve mentioned in many previous videos, the long delay. Social media & Logos macOS Big Sur Gimp Icon. PINTEREST; facebook; twitter; 0. PNG; SVG; ICO; ICNS; 512px 256px 128px 96px. Aaznadi; GPL; macOS Big Sur; Social media & Logos; 3D; 407; Gimp Icons; More icons from macOS Big Sur. PNG SVG ICO ICNS. PNG SVG ICO ICNS. PNG SVG ICO ICNS. PNG SVG ICO ICNS.



Jan 9, 2007
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I tried to install Gimp as an alternative to photoshop. I have OS 10.4.11 so I downloaded the Tiger version of Gimp, and put it in a folder. When I clicked it to start it up, it gave a message which said I needed X11. I foudn that on my mac install CD, and installed that. But still I can't get Gimp to work. I click on a jpg file and select 'open with Gimp' but nothing opens. I saw that X11 became active, from the dock, and also Gimp. But I see no tool windows or anything at all, and no jpg opens either. Nothing. Even when the top left of my screen says 'Gimp', there is no option such as 'open file' or anything. What's going on?

GIMP 2.10.22 is now available as a DMG file from our downloads page.

Many thanks to Des McGuinness, who updated the build enviroment created byAlex Samorukov and succeeded in getting the current stable code built and notarized!


This brings all the changes and fixes since GIMP 2.10.14 to macOS users, whohad been limited to this increasingly outdated version for far too long. Severalof the changes are quite visible and noticable to users, so it is a good ideato check the release notes for GIMP2.10.18,2.10.20 and2.10.22 to get upto date with the current versions.

It is not all well on the platform yet, though - with users upgrading to the latest macOS release, Big Sur, we started getting reports about performance and user interface issues.

GIMP being very slow and invisible selection outlines are reported most frequently. It is likely both are symptoms of the same underlying technical issue, that being the image window content being updated completely and far too frequently than necessary.

Gimp Mac Os Big Sur

Gimp Macos Big Sur


It feels really good to have active contributors to the macOS platform again, this gives us confidence that the issues can be investigated properly and, hopefully, mitigated or completely solved.

If you encounter any issue in addition to the two linked above, please let us know; the bugs page explains how to do this. If you are unsure whether a bug is already known, you can search for them there, or have a look at all the issues reported for the macOS platform.When in doubt, report it anyway, we will figure out duplicates and mark them accordingly.

Gimp Mac Os Big Sur Pro

Finally, please don’t forget you can donate to the project and personally fund several GIMP developers, as a way to give back and accelerate the development of GIMP.